What is Orgone Energy

Orgone energy is a name given to life force which is everywhere present. The present day term “orgone” is derived from the word “o r g a s m” – which is a manifestation of this all encompassing energy which pervades nature – which thrives as it strives for harmony/balance.

These orgone devices assist in EMF protection.

Living in times which are saturated with a myriad of manmade electromagnetic radiation (a host of modern day electrical conveniences such as cell phones, telephone/communication towers, WIFI, computers/laptops, microwave ovens, etc.) as well as other unharmonious emanations such as negative thought atmospheric pressures – these often chaotic frequencies compromise one’s ability to be in tune and in touch with one‘s inner being. One is literally swimming through seas of discord. When the electromagnetic circuitry of one’s being is out of alignment – one senses that something is missing in one’s life. The result – physical dis-ease, emotional turmoil, spiritual disconnectiveness.

The Orgone Harmonics can assist in re-establishing harmonic energy patterns in one‘s environment. Being in an harmonic space can have uplifting and healing effects on all levels of one’s life. Creating an oasis of harmonious communication allows one to view life with clearer perspectives, enhancing decision making abilities, empowerment, peace.

From small personal devices in the form of pendants to the larger adjustable orgone devices which can hold up to 10 foot poles for whole house protection, Orgone Harmonics uses only quality materials. Please take a look at our offerings. We are here in Service…

How They Work

The Harmonizer devices consist primarily of concentrated organic matter in the form of resin; inorganic matter in the form of metals; and conductors in the form of crystals. The organic resin exerts negative ionic charges and the inorganic metals exert positive ionic charges. When housed in such close formation, the excitation of these ionic charges act as magnetic energy generators (orgone) – drawing in subtle energies from the environment. In combination with quartz crystals and other semi-precious stones, these magnetic energy generator devices continuously transmute (on a quantum level and in elegant scalar resonance) lower incoherent energy drawn in from the environment into higher coherent frequencies inherent in the crystalline signatures of the stones. These higher frequencies are continuously generated, transmitting vibrations of harmony & balance out into the environment and into one’s energy fields.


“Honestly, I’m perplexed. Speechless even. You don’t realize how negative of a world you live in until something truly amazing, yet menial, happens. I did a little searching for a good quality orgone necklace. I found one I liked but was slightly discouraged because it wasn’t “prime” and i had to pay a shipping charge. I actually backed out to continue searching for something else, hoping to find prime or something that doesn’t charge for shipping. But the only product I could find, that I liked and had good reviews, was another orgone necklace made by the same people. So I buckled, I bought both. My expected delivery date was about 2 weeks out, I wasn’t too thrilled about that, but I did read another review that said their necklace came earlier than expected. So I was hopeful. I ordered on the 20th, today the 23rd, I got my package. I was definitely surprised to say the least. But it was the extra effort that really made me happy yet confused. Confused because I got a bunch of extra goodies alone with my package that just gave me the warmest of feelings. Like if you could send love in a package, buy it from this company. Im telling you, you won’t be upset. This kindness doesn’t happen anywhere in life. I really want to meet the person or people responsible for this. You did an excellent job and if you keep this standard, you will thrive.”

The Amazing Orgone Energy Water Test

“I love it. Thank You & Many Blessings To Reverend Kedem & his people. Shipping was rapid. It’s sturdy, & beautifully made. It does pass the Orgone ice test. It also Pass the copper pendulum test. I’m very pleased with my order & service…. Sending positive vibrations of love, prosperity, & abundance to all of you at ORGONE HARMONICS. I will be back.” (ETSY review)